О. Мандельштам «Дано мне тело — что мне делать с ним…» на английском языке
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Дано мне тело — что мне делать с ним,
Таким единым и таким моим?
За радость тихую дышать и жить
Кого, скажите, мне благодарить?
Я и садовник, я же и цветок,
В темнице мира я не одинок.
На стекла вечности уже легло
Мое дыхание, мое тепло.
Запечатлеется на нем узор,
Неузнаваемый с недавних пор.
Пускай мгновения стекает муть —
Узора милого не зачеркнуть.
Осип Мандельштам (1891-1938)
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A body was given to me — what to do with it,
So unique and so much my own?
For the quiet joy of breathing and living,
Who is it, tell me, that I must thank?
I am the gardener, I am the flower as well,
In the dungeon of the world I am not alone.
On the glass of eternity has already settled
My breathing, my warmth.
A pattern prints itself on it,
Unrecognizable of late.
Let the lees of the moment trickle down —
The lovely pattern must not be wiped away.
Osip Mandelstam
Translated by Albert C. Todd
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A body is given to me — what am I to make
From this thing that is my own and is unique?
Tell me who it is I must thank for giving
The quiet joy of breathing and of living?
I am the gardener, the flower as well,
Never alone in the world’s prison cell.
My warmth, my breathing have already lain
Upon eternity’s clear pane.
Imprinted on the glass a pattern shows,
But nowadays a pattern no one knows.
Let the dregs of the moment drain away —
The pattern’s loveliness must stay.
Osip Mandelstam
Translated by Robert Tracy
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I was given a body – what to do with it now,
One so unique and my own somehow?
For this quiet joy, to breathe and to be,
Whom should I thank, somebody tell me?
I’m the gardener, I’m the flower as well,
I’m not alone in world’s dungeon cell.
On the glass of eternity, I’ve already left
A mark of my warmth, a mark of my breath.
And on its surface, a pattern is made
Unrecognizable still of late.
Let the cloudiness of the moments cascade –
The lovely pattern will never fade.
Osip Mandelstam
Translated by Andrey Kneller
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I am given a body — what should I do with it —
Such as it is and only mine?
For the calm joy of breath and life
Whom, tell me whom, am I to thank?
I am the gardener and the flower:
In the world’s darkness I am not alone.
My breath, my body’s warmth
Already show on time’s eternal glass.
A pattern is impressed upon it
That lately has become obscure.
May the dullness of the moment pass away
And not black out that lovely form.
Osip Mandelstam
Translated by Peter Russell
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I have the present of a body – what should I do with it
so unique it is and so much mine?
For the quiet joy of breathing and of being alive,
tell me, whom have I to thank?
I am the gardener and the flower,
in the dungeon of the world I am not alone.
On the glass of eternity has already settled
my breath, my warmth.
On it a pattern prints itself,
unrecognizable of late.
Let the lees of the moment trickle down –
the dear pattern is not to be wiped out.
Osip Mandelstam
Translated by David McDuff
О. Мандельштам «Дано мне тело — что мне делать с ним…» на английском языке — Комментариев нет
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