Edward Lear «How Pleasant to Know Mr. Lear»
Стихотворение английского поэта Эдварда Лира (1812—1888) «Как мило знать Мистера Лира!» на английском языке и в трёх переводах на русский язык. How pleasant ot know Mr.Lear! «How pleasant ot know Mr.Lear!» Who has written such volumes of stuff! Some think him ill-tempered and queer, But a few think him pleasant enough. His mind is concrete and fastidious, His nose is remarkably big; His visage is more or less hideous, His beard it resembles a wig. He has ears, and two eyes, and ten fingers, Leastways if you reckon two thumbs; Long ago he was one of the singers, But now … Читать далее →